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Oklahoma CPA State-Specific Requirements

In Oklahoma, a state with a business-friendly tax climate, becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) offers a wealth of professional opportunities. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board (OAB) sets the licensure requirements for CPAs in the state, in collaboration with NASBA and AICPA. Let's explore the process of becoming a CPA in Oklahoma.


Educational Requirements

To be eligible for CPA certification in Oklahoma, candidates must meet these educational standards:

  • Degree: A bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited institution.

  • Credit Hours: A total of 150 semester hours, including:

    • 76 hours from upper-division courses.

    • 30 hours in upper-division accounting courses, including external auditing.

    • 9 hours in upper-division business courses.


Work Experience Requirements

Oklahoma requires:

  • Experience: 1 year of full-time experience (1,800 hours) in accounting, verified by a licensed CPA. This experience can be in academia, public accounting, government, or industry.


Ethics Exam

Candidates must pass the AICPA's Professional Ethics Exam, an 11-hour self-study course, scoring a minimum of 90.


Residency Requirement

Candidates must be Oklahoma residents to be eligible for CPA licensure.


Social Security Number Requirement

A Social Security number is necessary for CPA licensure in Oklahoma.


International CPA Examination Program

Oklahoma participates in this program, allowing non-U.S. citizens to become CPAs. Credentials must be evaluated by a member organization of NACES. The state also considers international reciprocal licenses.


CPA Exam and Licensing Fees

The fees for the CPA examination and licensing in Oklahoma are:

  • Initial Application Fee: $50.00

  • Examination Fees (per section):

    • AUD: $238.15

    • BEC: $238.15

    • FAR: $238.15

    • REG: $238.15

  • Total for all sections: $1,002.60

  • Licensing Fee: $100


License Renewal

CPA licenses in Oklahoma must be renewed annually by the last day of the license holder’s birth month. Renewal includes fulfilling Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements.


Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Requirements

  • Total Hours: 120 credit hours every three years, including four hours in professional ethics.

  • Annual Requirement: A minimum of 20 credit hours each year.

  • Record Maintenance: CPAs must maintain CPE records for at least five years.



Achieving CPA certification in Oklahoma entails meeting educational qualifications, passing the CPA Exam and ethics exam, acquiring relevant work experience, and committing to continuous learning through CPE. With its favorable environment for CPAs, Oklahoma offers significant career growth opportunities for accounting professionals who uphold the standards and ethics of the profession.