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Louisiana CPA Requirements: A Detailed Guide

Becoming a CPA in Louisiana offers significant career opportunities in a state with a diverse economy. Let's explore the requirements to become a CPA in Louisiana.

Education and License Requirements

  1. Education Requirements:

    • Bachelor's Degree: A minimum requirement.

    • Credit Hours: 150 semester hours, including specific accounting and business courses.

    • Accounting Coursework: Minimum 24 semester hours in accounting and 24 hours in business courses.

  2. Age, Citizenship, and Residency:

    • Minimum Age: 18 years.

    • Citizenship: U.S. citizenship is not mandatory.

    • Residency: 120 days of residency in Louisiana is required.

  3. Social Security Number: Mandatory for CPA licensure in Louisiana.

Work Experience

  • Duration: One year (2,000 hours) of full-time work experience.

  • Supervision: Must be verified by a licensed CPA.

  • Types of Work: Can include various accounting-related services.

International CPA Examination Program

Louisiana participates in this program, facilitating non-U.S. candidates to take the CPA Exam. International credentials need evaluation by NASBA or FACS.

CPA Exam & Licensing Costs in Louisiana

  • Initial Application Fee: $160.

  • Exam Fees (per section): $238.15.

  • Total Initial Cost: Approximately $1,113.

  • License Application Fee: $100.

Renewal and Continuing Education

  1. Renewal Period: Biennially by December 31.

  2. Renewal Fee: $100.

  3. CPE Requirements:

    • 80 hours in a two-year cycle.

    • At least 20 hours must be completed each year.

Becoming a CPA in Louisiana requires adherence to specific educational, examination, and experiential standards. With the right preparation and understanding of these requirements, you can successfully navigate your path to becoming a CPA in Louisiana. It's important to meet all the prerequisites and carefully plan your journey, keeping in mind the education, exam, experience, and the renewal requirements.

If you have any more questions or need further guidance on CPA requirements in other states, feel free to ask!