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Guide to Becoming a CPA in Washington

Washington State offers promising career prospects for Certified Public Accountants, thanks to its vibrant economy and significant business opportunities. If you're aiming to become a CPA in Washington, understanding the state-specific requirements is crucial. The Washington State Board of Accountancy oversees the CPA licensing process in collaboration with NASBA and the AICPA. Here’s what you need to know:

Educational Requirements

  • Semester Hours: 150 semester hours.

  • Degree: A baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited college or university.

  • Accounting and Business Courses:

    • 24 semester hours in accounting subjects, with at least 15 hours at the upper or graduate level.

    • 24 semester hours in business administration courses at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Work Experience Requirements

  • Duration: One year (2,000 hours).

  • Field: Experience in accounting, issuing financial statement reports, management advisory, tax, and consulting skills.

  • Verification: Must be verified by a licensed CPA.

  • Timeline: Must be obtained within eight years prior to applying for the CPA license.

Ethics Exam Requirements

  • Requirement: Completion of the CPA Ethics Exam.

  • Score: Minimum score of 90%.

  • Course: Available through AICPA's website.

Citizenship, Age, and Residency Requirements

  • Age: Minimum 18 years old.

  • Citizenship: U.S. citizenship is not required.

  • Residency: No in-state residency requirement.

Social Security Requirements

  • SSN Requirement: Yes, needed for CPA licensure.

International CPA Examination Program

  • Participation: Yes, Washington participates.

  • Credential Evaluation: Credentials evaluated by NASBA International Evaluation Services.

CPA Exam and Licensing Fees

  • Initial Application Fee: $170.00.

  • Examination Fees (per section):

    • AUD: $238.15

    • BEC: $238.15

    • FAR: $238.15

    • REG: $238.15

  • Total for all sections: $1,122.60.

  • Re-application Fee: $90 (if necessary).

License Renewal

  • Cycle: Every three years, between January 1 and April 30.

  • Late Renewal: Additional $100 late fee for applications between May 1 and June 30.

  • Renewal Fee: $230.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Requirements

  • Total Hours: 120 hours every three years.

  • Annual Minimum: 20 CPE hours.

  • Specific Courses: Must include a Washington State Board Approved Ethics Course.


Becoming a CPA in Washington involves a blend of education, examination, experience, and ethical understanding. The state's requirements are designed to ensure that CPAs are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a dynamic business environment. With its robust economic landscape, Washington offers a wealth of opportunities for CPAs to develop successful and fulfilling careers. Continuous learning and adherence to professional standards are key to maintaining CPA licensure and excelling in the accounting field in Washington.